3D-Mathematics - How To

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Handling models

The digital 3D models published here can be rotated, zoomed and moved
in several browsers - see also Browser.

Important tip:

The effect of the digital 3D models unfolds only by their movement.

As already mentioned on the ‘Project’ page:
this effect is intensified, if you l o o k c a l m l y at the models by turning
from different viewing directions and by zooming in an adjusted magnification:
- in the case of slow rotations, a 'neuronal 3D model' builds up in the brain
- adapted zooming is very important for models with a higher level of detail.

And one can also look at models from within, which is interesting prospects in
individual cases.

Note on designations:

When turning the 3D models, letters and text elements move along.
Therefore, some letters - such as n and u - might be confused.
For this reason, such letters are supplemented by a dot at the
lower right - such as n. und u. for example!

Topics of this page

Models move
Center models

Move models:

These movements are usually carried out on the relevant devices
with mouse movements or with finger movements.

The following information is limited to standard devices and to standard settings.

1. On conventional computer screens
- rotate the model - touch the model with the mouse button 1 and move the mouse
- zoom the model - turn the mouse wheel back or forth
- shift the model - use the mouse button 2 and move the mouse

2. Tablets
- rotate the model - move the model with 1 finger
- zoom of the model - move the model with 2 fingers
- shift the model - move the model with 3 fingers

3. Smartphones
- see Tablets.

Center models (reload):

If the models are shifted left or right on the screen, the objects rotate no longer
around the middle axis.

To make the shifting of models largely unnecessary, the most important elements of

the models were placed around this central axis.
To re-center the models after shifting, you can reload the browser view.

How To Center / Reload Models:

- in the menu bar click 'Centering' or
- in the Windows world, press the Ctrl key + F5 key,
- in the Apple world, press the appropriate buttons.

Translation by Google Translator and the author.